Monday, September 29, 2008

Little Miss Sunshine!

Katya is loving 7th grade, soccer, dance and emailing her cousin Tyler! Our house is just a flurry of activity from 5:45 AM until 9 PM!
She is #5 again in soccer and her team is doing very well. She missed a game yesterday because we were in Connecticut but she's back on the field this weekend for two more games.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wild Wonderful West Virginia

To celebrate Katya's one year anniversary in our family and in America we went white water rafting in West Virginia last weekend. We had a BLAST! Katya is an adrenaline junkie just like her Mama so it was a perfect way to celebrate! Next year we can raft down the Gauley River which is an even more adventurous and wild ride. (Age minimum is 14 years old!) It was great to be back in West Virginia, one of the prettiest states in the nation.
The first photo is Katya jumping off a rock into the New River. How fun is that!!
Take me home, country roads!

Friday, September 5, 2008

One year ago today....

It was one year ago today that Katya and I came home from Russia. The progress we've made in one year is astounding!

To celebrate Katya's one year anniversary we are going white water rafting in West Virginia this weekend. We figured since Katya loved roller coasters she'd love the rush of white water rafting. Hopefully Hurricane Hannah won't interfere with our plans.

Seventh grade is going well for Katya and she seems happy with her teachers. She loves being in junior high and out of elementary!

I'll post rafting photos next week. Thanks for checking in.