Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I am a soccer mom...

Just when I ditched the minivan, I became a soccer mom! Katya is now playing soccer, and her first game is Saturday. I refuse to put a magnetic soccer ball decal on the back of my CR-V. I recently heard my hairdo described as a "soccer mom hairdo" which is curled under shoulder length hair. When I googled soccer mom hair my exact hairdo appeared. A fanny pack would complete the look but luckily I don't own one. The crowning touch of my soccer momness would be a bumper sticker of my presidential candidate of choice but I'm not doing that either. (I don't want to vote for any of them!) And of course a "My kid is an Honor Student" bumper sticker is also a soccer mom badge of honor!
My challenge now will be to not be a sideline screamer. Katya told me she's not sure she understands all the soccer rules but she's learning. I guess this means there will be a lot of mistakes and fouls so there may be other parents doing the yelling!

Let's hope Katya loves soccer as much as she loves basketball! I'll take photos of her first game and post them on the blog this weekend.


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