Friday, November 2, 2007

The Auction is tomorrow!

The auction is tomorrow! We have the social hall set up and we are ready to go! Some of the food is prepared and we will finish cooking everything tomorrow afternoon. I ended up with 104 items/services, down from last year but I fully expected that. I haven't had the time I invested in the auction last year but I will make up for it next year! I plan on starting on the 2008 auction/dinner in March so I anticipate the largest revenue ever! My goal for next year is $20,000! Whatever we make this year will help the orphanage so I can't worry about it.

Katya had a wonderful time at her new friend's house. She came home at 9 PM exhausted and wanted to go to bed almost immediately! Tomorrow will be difficult for her because we have a full day and evening at the church ahead of us. Hopefully we'll find enough jobs to keep her busy.

I won't post tomorrow but I'll let you know Sunday how we faired. Keep us in your prayers!

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