Saturday, November 10, 2007

I miss Katya!

Twice a year, a group of seven friends and I rent a home on Lake Anna and scrapbook for four days. This is that weekend! I left Thursday morning and will return home Monday afternoon. I wondered how I would do being away from Katya for four days, and I confess it hasn't been easy so far! It didn't help that we started out watching Anne of Green Gables, a story about an orphan girl who was adopted by a wonderful brother and sister in Canada! I just called home and talked to Katya. She asked me if I was coming home tomorrow... and I said no....and she said YES! Fred and Katie have a weekend of wonderful activites planned and I know she is having a great time but I still want to jump in the car and go home! If I didn't have two scrapbooks that I've been promising to my aunt and sister I'd probably go home today!! THIS IS HARD!!

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