I attended an all day workshop entitled: It's All About YOU: Be The World Expert on Your Body, presented by Dr.'s Oz and Roizen. Dr. Oz is often featured on the Oprah show, and I'm a big fan. (No pun intended!) Dr. Oz received his undergraduate degree from Harvard University and obtained a joint MD and MBA from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and Wharton Business School. Dr. Oz is professor and vice-chairman of surgery, Columbia University. He is medical director of the Integrated Medicine Center and director of the Heart Institute at New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center. Pretty bright guy! Dr. Oz brings body parts to his seminars so you can see "healthy" body parts and compare them to diseased body parts. He has a brain, aorta, testicles, omentum, prostate and a uterus with attached ovaries! He allows you to actually touch the organs, with gloves of course! We were fascinated, to say the least.
I love the fact that the seminar combined western medical philosophy with what some might call "new age" philosophy. Mind over matter, the healing power of your mind and spirit, etc. It all boiled down to common sense, eat right and EXERCISE, focus on the positive and be a good and decent person. Make a contribution, do the right thing, be kind. They delivered these common sense guidelines in such a way that it seemed fresh, fun and so easy. Easy may be a stretch, but it was a great day and I look forward to learning more from Dr. Oz. The day ended with a quiet time, a time to center yourself and think about what truly matters; to remember what should always be your primary focus:
Just for today, do not worry.
Just for today, do not anger.
Honor your parents, teachers, and elders.
Earn your living honestly.
Show gratitude to everything.
That says it all, doesn't it?
Photo: Katya - 2005
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