Saturday, July 21, 2007

Nesting Instinct

I am trying to overcome a powerful nesting instinct that has completely overwhelmed me. The problem is I have no clothes to buy, no room to decorate, and no supplies to purchase. I showed Katya a photo of her new room, and told her we could redecorate in any style and color she chooses. She said she wanted her room exactly the way it is now. That only leaves me with the task of taking our winter clothes out of the closet and drawers and moving them to the basement. I told her we wanted to buy her new clothes, but she wants to wait until she’s here so she can buy “American clothes.” I’m somewhat relieved about the clothing purchases, because we took her shopping in Moscow and discovered her pants size is 152. I can’t find a conversion chart on the Internet that tells me what size that is in America. Russia seems to have their own sizing system, different than the European system. So, that leaves me with no creative outlet for my nesting instinct. Sure, I could go out and buy things I think she would like, but that seems like a waste of time and money, due to the fact I haven’t had a 12-year-old girl in 12 years, so I’m a little clueless about what 12-year-old girls want! So I’ll just wait…and wait…and wait…for the phone call telling us we have a court date in Moscow. There’s a small chance it could happen in August, but most likely we’ll be assigned a date in September.
Keep your fingers crossed for a court date in August, please!

1 comment:

ksenia said...

Such a lovely princess room! I love it!