Monday, September 24, 2007


Today Katya had a traumatic trip to the doctor. She had her first doctor visit last week that went pretty well. There were no shots and blood draws! Today was a different story. After examining her immunization record from Russia, the doctor determined Katya needed four immunizations plus a TB test. Katya fussed a little at the doctor but managed to get through the four injections without too many tears. The blood draw was the really hard part. She kept saying, "No Mama, No Mama," and I considered just taking her home but I knew I would never get her back into the laboratory if I didn't get it over with right then and there! She was really starting to get worked up so the four lab assistants (yes, it took four) quickly got to work and managed to take six vials of blood in record time. By the time they were finished Katya was hysterical and I was a nervous wreck! There was no room for me by Katya so I hovered in the corner praying it would be over quickly. Katya was screaming so loud the security guards came into the lab to see what was going on! She hyperventilated and had to "recover" in the lab for 30 minutes after it was over. The lab technician suggested we give her “relaxation medicine” before we come back and I said I would need some as well! The ride home from the doctor was interesting because Katya yelled at me in Russian the whole way but luckily I had no idea what she was saying! (Well, I got the gist of her feelings, and let's just say I'm glad I don't know more Russian than I do!) Next time I think I’ll have Fred take her to the doctor!!

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