Friday, September 21, 2007

Our Village saved the day!

In Monday's blog I explained that because Katya loves the Disney movie High School Musical so much, I was going to rush out on Tuesday to buy High School Musical 2. I soon discovered that High School Musical 2 wouldn’t be released on DVD for another few months! Oh NO!! Of course I told Katya on Monday we would buy High School Musical 2 on Tuesday and she was super excited! How I wondered, with my very limited Russian vocabulary, was I going to explain to her that Mommy is very uninformed and that HSM2 hasn't even been released on DVD yet!

After posting this problem on the blog, I received a phone call from a friend explaining that her husband is in the television recording business and could help me out of this little jam! My friend's daughter is a huge HSM fan so "John Doe" recorded HSM2 at work when it debuted on the Disney Channel and could make Katya a copy!! (My friend shall remain anonymous in case this was highly illegal!!)

We are now proud owners of High School Musical 2 and Katya could not be happier! The village saved me once again!!

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