Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It's official, she's ours!!

Moscow - Wednesday, August 15th 7:15 PM Moscow time

Katerina Grace Buoni!! It's official!! After a very nervous morning in front of the judge and prosecutor, the decision was announced that the adoption was approved and she is officially ours! O HAPPY DAY! We never had an opportunity to ask for a waiver of the waiting period so Katya and I will be here until at least September 5th. Katya is now with Fred and me in Moscow, and on Saturday Fred flies home and Katya and I move to a hotel in Podolsk. We cannot stay at the orphanage because it is under renovations and no one is living there at the present time. There is a chance that we will move to the orphanage if it is ready in time, but how often do renovations stay on schedule?
Congratulations to Katie and Steven on their new sister!

More tomorrow from Moscow!
O Happy Day!!


Vicki said...

Sheila & Fred:

I'm so excited for you. Congratulations--hurry home we all want to get to know Katya.

Anonymous said...

all my love to you all. You are my idol.

Jeff and Lisa said...

Fred and Sheila -

We are so excited for the whole Buoni family. Thank you for sharing your saga with us. We can hardly wait to meet Katya.
