Friday, August 24, 2007


Hello from Podolsk! It's still hot, in fact a record has been set for the hottest temperatures since they started keeping records. I hear it will cool down on Sunday, thank goodness.
Katya continues to learn her letters and pronunciations. She wrote a sentence today: Dogs love cats. She is learning quickly and is starting to answer my questions in English. The words she knows well are: Mama, Papa, hello, goodbye, good morning, good evening, come on, I love you, sorry and NO! She's got the word NO perfected!

I am taking Katya to ride horses tomorrow afternoon. She loves horses so we are taking the bus to the stables. I am so afraid she's going to want a horse!

I continue to feel better which means I am sleeping better. Things will get a lot better once it cools down this weekend. I am missing cool weather at home....bummer!

More later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking so much about you and I'm sending you both all my love. I know that telling you to make a tea out of fresh ginger is absolutely crazy, but if for some reason, ginger has found it's way to Podolsk and there is a pan and a burner around...all right, forget the tea, and just know that we are all so excited for you to be coming home. love Faye