Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Home for a little over 3 months, and so much progress!

I am astounded at the progress Katya has made in the little over three months she's been in the USA. She is speaking in complete sentences, most of the time. They may not be grammatically correct sentences, but they are sentences! Tonight at the store the sales clerk had two piercings on her lip. Katya said, "Excuse, me, does lip ouch?" The sales girl said no. Then Katya replied, "It's beautiful, me love." As soon as we left the store, I said, "Mama does not love the piercings! You may not get your face pierced, ever!" Katya replied, "OK, OK, Mama! Wow, you angry!" I wasn't angry, I was just trying to drive the point home!! There is no "gray area" when it comes to my feelings about piercings and tattoos. Perhaps when Katya is an adult they will be out of style. One can only hope.

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