Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy 2008!

Happy 2008 everyone! 2007 was a great year, full of wonderful changes and milestones! A new daughter, celebration of 25 years of marriage, an engagement, and a new employer for Fred and me. 2008 is sure to be full of fun and adventure, so stay tuned for all the details. I will continue to post as long as you continue to read!

Below are a few things that I read, heard, observed or experienced that made me stop, ponder, and say, "What???!!"

-Our local Baptist church has a sign in the courtyard that reads, "An English speaking church."

-The "S" in our local Shell station sign has been burned out for two months. They seem in no hurry to replace the bulb.

-A local church advertised "holiday trees" for sale. I would think a CHURCH could get away with calling them CHRISTMAS trees!

-Our local TV station claims to be "on our side." Are the other stations our enemies?

-After learning that we adopted a child, Fred and I have had to listen to people tell us about their successful pet adoptions. I fail to see the similarity.

-After asking a waitress three times what she was saying to me she blurted out that I needed to learn Spanish!

-I wanted to send some money to Russia with a pastor who was traveling there last week. I went to church and requested a check from the funds we raised at the auction. When I took it to my church's bank to cash, they charged me $10 to cash the check, because I didn't have an account there! Since when did it start costing money to cash a check from the bank from which the funds are drawn? Ten dollars!!

I could go on and on and on, but these are just a few of the things in life that really make you say, WHAT!!"

Happy New Year and GO GATORS!!

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