Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The newest member of Katya's village

Fred and I had our first visit this morning with Dr. Federici, one of the world's leading experts on post-institutionalized children. We are in search of ways to help Katya navigate her way through this thing we call life! Dr. Federici is a no-nonsense man, tell it like it is and move forward! I think he will be a great help to us and Katya. Any child who has lived in an orphanage is suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome, among other things. Institutionalized children also have attachment disorders so there is much to tackle and learn. You can see Dr. Federici on Youtube when you enter his name in the search box on Youtube. He has also written a book on adoption that I ordered today so with all these tools we feel equipped and ready to go!

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