Thursday, May 22, 2008

A week has gone by...

For the last week, Fred and I have been walking around in a daze, not knowing what to do with ourselves. We went from 100 miles an hour to a complete stop. School, soccer practices, soccer games, tutor sessions to nothing. We have been trying to hold each other up, to nurture one another and be encouraging. We think of Katya every second, wondering what she is going through, what she is doing and how she is feeling. We did hear from the center director, and she said she was “fine.” I hate that word. It really doesn’t mean anything. She said that Katya misses us, so that is encouraging!

Dr. Federici will be meeting with Katya next week to determine her state of mind and to give us an idea of how long he feels she should stay at the center. I want Katya to stay long enough to learn basic issues such as respecting authority, parent/child relationships, etc., but I don’t want her to stay so long that she feels completely abandoned. Her stay there must be effective or we will have wasted weeks of healing and thousands of dollars. As soon as Katya earns enough points, she will be allowed to call home, and needless to say, we are very anxious to hear from her.

For those of you who have reached out to us, THANK YOU! We appreciate all your encouraging words and prayers. Fred and I definitely feel the love from our village! As promised, I will keep you posted on Katya’s progress.

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