Monday, May 26, 2008

We visited Katya this morning

We had an early morning visit with Katya today. She seemed glad to see us...until we whipped out our new house rules. (Lesia, the director, had us email our house rules in advance.) Katya had to read them to us and repeat the rules several times. Lesia said Katya will have them memorized and will recite all seven to us on our next visit. After those are memorized, we will work on Katya's specific rules. The purpose of the rules are many, but the bottom line is that Fred and I are in control of EVERYTHING. I will have to write a schedule for the summer and we will follow it to the letter. Every minute of the day will be scheduled.

The entire time we were reviewing the rules Katya's brows were furrowed and she said "but....." many times, however we squelched the "buts" quickly. The idea that she will have no free will is hard for her to accept. "You are not the boss of me" mentality will be difficult to break, but we will be successful. Lesia is hoping Katya will have some type of meltdown soon so she can see how unglued Katya becomes and help her find ways of coping with sadness, anger and disappointment. Lesia wants the honeymoon period to be over. The sooner it is over, the sooner she can help Katya deal with her anger. Katya sees Dr. Federici on Thursday, so we will have more information at that time.

1 comment:

~Kristell~ said...

I am always excited to open your blog and see a new posting. Thanks for keeping us all updated with your family and Katya's progress. You are in my prayers and I know that God will reveal his work in your family. Stay the course. I love you!