Thursday, May 1, 2008

No truer words have ever been spoken than: It Takes a Village to Raise a Child

Our success with the transition and adjustment of bringing Katya home is truly because of the "village" that surrounds us. Our friends and neighbors have been extremely helpful and supportive. They have also been very understanding. But I do have to single out a "villager" and she is my daughter Katie. She has given us a break when WE have been at the breaking point. Katie has shown patience and acceptance beyond her years. She has embraced and loved Katya exemplifying what sisterly love is all about. Before Katya became a part of our family I was always a bit sad that Katie didn't have a sister because I know first hand how a sister enriches ones life. I hoped that Katie and Katya would grow close but their relationship has surpassed my expectations! Thank you Katie for welcoming Katya into the family with unconditional love. I can only hope that you continue to be a blessing to each other the way that my sister continues to bless my life.


Katie said...

For the bazillionth time this week, I am crying at my desk. I didn't know when all of this came about how I would adjust, but since Katya has been here, it has been just like she was always here. I can't imagine my life without her asking me when I will take her to get her nails done. I am so excited to see her grow into the beautiful woman I know she's going to be. So thank you for the recognition, Mom. It wasn't necessary, but it is appreciated. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Why oh why did she have to go every time someone brings a subject up about her i start crying. I can barely stay on the phone with you and talk aboput her. It could be something as simple as "when will she be coming back?" and I burst into tears. I hope we can still go to the beach. You have no idea how much I miss her.