Thursday, September 20, 2007

Holy Sacrament of Baptism

Katerina Grace Buoni will receive the Holy Sacrament of Baptism on Sunday, September 30th at 11:15 AM at St. Matthew's United Methodist Church in Annandale. All are invited and encouraged to attend.

I am so excited that my sister and her husband John will be here from California for the baptism as well as Steven and his girlfriend Sabrina. Katya's friends from past visits to Podolsk Orphanage will also be here for this special occasion. Caroline and Adam are coming home from James Madison University for the weekend and will be in attendance and we hope to see Wes and Ken too!! Katya was going through our church pictorial directory yesterday and when she spotted photos of people who have visited Podolsk Orphanage she would point and say droog, which is friend in Russian! It was so cute.

Katya's school enrollment continues on Tuesday, September 25th. She will be tested in Russian to determine her grade level. Because she is 12 she could start 7th grade but I am determined to put her in 6th grade. I strongly feel she needs a year of elementary school before the trauma of middle school! Mama knows best!

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