Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Katya has the best sister and brother ever!

Last Saturday Katie and Steven took Katya to Kings Dominion in Richmond. She had a WONDERFUL time riding the roller coasters and spending the day with her siblings! She ate unlimited quantities of french fries and ice cream so she was especially happy! She is fearless, and rode all the roller coasters except for the Hypersonic XLC, the only compressed-air launch coaster in the United States. It apparently goes 0 to 60 in a few seconds and I think it just looked too scary! Fred and I took advantage of our "day off" and drove down to Norfolk to visit our friends the Stampers and Herberts. We had a great time catching up on their lives and Fred enjoyed a game of golf with Wayne. We even played Beer Pong! Yes, even old people play Beer Pong! Fred was awesome! Living in a fraternity house for three years and having plenty of practice helps a lot!! Maybe it's like riding a bicycle, you never forget! It was great fun and we enjoyed our time with our friends very much.

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