Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Silent Auction Season!

I am up to my eyeballs in work for the silent auction which is a week from Saturday. I got a really late start this year with publicity, preparation and recruitment so I am terribly behind. The donations are trickling in, so I am praying for a last minute onslaught of items! I always worry, then at the end I ask myself why I worried so much.

Katya is wondering why there are tables set up in our living room with all kinds of interesting stuff on display! Trying to explain an auction in the 200 or so Russian words I know is difficult. I think I'll have the tutor explain the concept to her! She continues to blossom everyday. She's even learned the joy of hugging! When I hugged and kissed her goodnight this evening she wouldn't let me go! She is becoming more affectionate as the weeks go on. Her vocabulary is expanding quickly thanks to school and her tutor Olga. She hasn't called Russia or had a sad period in weeks! After just seven weeks she is settling in and feeling at home. Thank goodness!

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