Friday, October 12, 2007


Below is the latest report posted on their blog of my cousin's son's battle with Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor (DSRCT). It is such a miracle that I had to share it with you. We have all been praying for Ryan since February and truly believe in the power of prayer and in miracles! What a happy day!

CLEAR!!!!! The preliminary report came in all clear. Ryan's scan is being reviewed all over the world right now but the first report from Australia says "all clear". Dr. Buck has seen the scan and says he doesn't see any sign of disease. The seeding that remained when we began stem cell ( seeding - cancer deep in his pelvis that looked like sugar sprinkled down in there - too small to remove when he had is tumor removal operation and that we had to rely on chemo, stem cell and radiation to remove) is gone as well as the mass on his colon and his liver is completely healed. Reports will still be coming in but Dr. Buck was very excited. There is apparently one doctor in particular he wants his opinion on the scan. Ryan is suppose to start radiation early next week (he will call with a time) and he will have radiation for 4 weeks only and general radiation not any extra on sites that we thought cancer would still be in.
We are beyond happy! We have all been in tears of joy. We want to thank everyone who prayed for Ryan thru this awful ordeal.. Even though it is not over just yet he would not be here without your help and prayers!!! We are still trying to soak in the news so as I get more information we will let you know. Praise God and bless you all!
Melinda, Jeff, Tyler and Ryan

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