Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Life at the Buoni House

Katya received her US Citizenship Papers today! I blurred the numbers because I am posting the certificate on the blog, but you can double click on the image and it will enlarge.

We had a rough day yesterday, as my neighbors can attest! Katya didn't like what we were telling her (to sit at the table and eat) so she tore out of the house to run to a friend's house who speaks Russian. This friend lives about a half mile away. Fred was in hot pursuit and when it was over we brought her back to the house kicking and screaming! Not exactly poster parents for adoption!! It took her awhile to calm down she apologized today. She told a Russian speaking friend that she didn't realize there would be rules in America. I would love to crawl inside her mind and figure out what she thought family life would be like. I bought a book about adopting older children, and compared to the children in the book we have it easy. The frustration of not being able to communicate on top of not really understanding family life equals one confused child! It takes time and patience and we certainly have both so we will just take one day at a time. She is a precious, inquisitive, bright and bubbly child who brings so much joy to our family. We will look back at these struggles one day and laugh I'm sure.

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