Thursday, January 17, 2008

"Me no cold Mama, I promise."

It is a ritual. Every morning, the first thing Katya does is walk downstairs, poke her head out the door and say, "No cold Mama, no coat today." It is our one constant battle. This morning, she woke up and announced, "It no snow in America, I promise Mama."
I tried to explain that it does indeed snow in America, in fact it snows a lot in certain parts of America. It was no use, she wasn't buying it. Today, the FIRST thing she said to me when she got off the school bus was, "It no cold Mama, no cold today." She said this as she stepped off the bus into a 4 inch deep snow pile. She said tonight, "You Mama, American, cold. Me Russian, not cold." I think if I have to have this argument another few months I will surely loose my mind. I am trying to teach her fahrenheit vs. celsius, because she isn't buying the fact that 28 degrees fahrenheit is actually pretty nippy. She flat out says she will never be cold in America, period. I think a trip to Minnesota is in order!

1 comment:

Susan said...


This is my first time to your blog. Your daughter is just beautiful.

My husband and I have been to Russia 3x on Church planting missions.

I've adopted a Russian daughter, (in the spirit) over 12 years ago. She came and spent a summer with us once.

We talk often, email, and she is such a source of joy in our lives.

Her name is Jane. So nice to meet you.
