Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most!

If you have been trying to call me on my cell phone and I haven't returned your call, it's because I lost my cell phone on January 6th. I also lost my prescription sunglasses and my new watch, all in the last 30 days. I have no idea where they are, but I keep thinking I will find all of my lost items in one place. I am giving up on finding my cell phone and replacing it this week, but I am not replacing my watch or my sunglasses for the time being. Way too expensive. I'll just do without!

I remember losing my mind and memory along with my belongings when Katie and Steven were babies. Being a new mom is overwhelming and trying, so perhaps that's what I am experiencing now. I've been Katya's mother for four months now, so I can equate that to what I was like with a four month old baby. Now it all makes sense. Frustration, sleep deprivation, cluelessness and second guessing all parenting decisions...that's what I did then and I am doing now. There are no absolutes for parenting a new baby and no absolutes for parenting a 12-year old, so we are just following our heart and hoping we are doing the right thing!

If you know where my lost items are, please give me a call, on my house phone!

1 comment:

Check It Out said...

May I recommend the great $10.00 sunglasses at Nordstroms - $10.00 all the time in Brass Plum. No stress if you lose them.

Watches are so overrated in the days of cell phones; you always have access to the time.

Oh wait, you have to hang on to your cell phone. That is another story. Too bad I can't go everywhere with you and be your personal assistant, like we did this summer. Remember how I kept your purse straight, put all of your credit cards back in your wallet right after you used them, kept your cell phone in the great little pocket on the inside of your purse. Good times.

Good luck locating your lost items.