Thursday, July 19, 2007

Svetlana - An angel here on Earth

Hi Village-

I want to introduce you to Svetlana, the wonderful director of Podolsk Orphanage in Podolsk, Russia. She is an angel, a miracle worker, and a selfless, dedicated woman who is "Mama" to 176 orphan children. All of her children call her Mama, and when you witness the warmth and affection between Svetlana and the children you understand why. The children can't walk past Svetlana without reaching out to her, and she responds with hugs and kisses they so desperately need. She's taken the limited resources she's been given and has created a warm, loving and nurturing environment for the children.
I am in awe of her creativity and tenacity. She treats her volunteers like family, so we cannot wait to return year after year to help out. She has made all her children a part of who we are and has welcomed us into the Podolsk family.
When we bring Katya home, we will be bringing a piece of Svetlana with us, because she's been Katya's Mama for the last seven years. Katya's been loved and well cared for at Podolsk, and for that Fred and I are eternally grateful.

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