Sunday, July 22, 2007

Time to vent!

It has been such a blessing to have the support and encouragement of our friends and family regarding the adoption of Katya. I did encounter someone at church today who said Fred and I were "nuts" to be adopting a child. I asked her why she thought we were nuts and she said we would be giving up our freedom, flexibility and our ability to go "where we want, when we want." First of all, this woman has no children, but she has a high-pressure career so I doubt she goes "where she wants, when she wants!" I've NEVER had that freedom, because I have two children (almost three!) a job...a husband...a dog...responsibilities... Secondly, she has no idea the absolute joy; happiness and love children bring to one's life! Sure its not all roses and sunshine, but the treasured times far outweigh the stressful times. Last, she should keep her opinions to herself! It just irritates the heck out of me when people think children rob you of your supposed freedom and flexibility, whatever the heck that means! Only one family member has expressed opposition to the adoption, and she is a 95-year-old great aunt who never married OR had children. Funny how the childless people feel so free to tell you what a mistake you are making. I say, if only they knew what they were missing!
I waited to post my blog after I calmed down, but I guess I didn't wait long enough! So, thanks to everyone for being so supportive, and if you agree with the lady at church, please don't tell me!

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in opportunity, and an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. “
Winston Churchill

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