Monday, July 30, 2007

Why Oregon?

After posting on Friday's blog that our adoption agency is located in Oregon, I received several emails asking why we chose an agency on the west coast, especially since we have so many reputable agencies within a 50-mile radius of Annandale. The answer is simple - not all adoption agencies work in the Moscow region of Russia. For instance, the Datz Foundation, an outstanding adoption agency about 4 miles from my home facilitates adoptions in Russia, but not in the Moscow region! The requirements differ greatly from one region to the next, so it would be difficult for an agency to work in the entire country. Agencies in the United States must have satellite offices in the regions they represent, consisting of an attorney, admin support, interpreters and translators. From everything I’ve read, the Moscow region has more requirements and stricter medical guidelines to follow, so I’m grateful Dove Adoptions knows the specific requirements for the Moscow region and makes sure we have all of the necessary paperwork completed and completed correctly! In a future blog I’ll tell you about our final medical requirement of EIGHT doctor visits!

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