Saturday, August 18, 2007

Guest Blogger Fred, just back from Moscow.

(Katie is editing for Dad-- he is as tired now as he was on Monday)

This was a very busy week for us, I will try to fill you in on the details. We arrived in Russia around 1030 am on Monday and drove to a summer camp near Podolsk to visit with Katya. We also had an official from the Ministry with us to observe our interactions with Katya; as she would have to testify in court that we were appropriately matched. Katya also had to fill out some paperwork for the inspector. Katya was very excited to see us and we got lots of hugs and kisses. We also spent time with Sasha, a boy from the orphanage. We also went to a medical clinic for X-rays and blood work (I might have the order wrong). On Tuesday we went back to the summer camp and spent more time with Katya and several more children. We had a good time but had to return to Moscow to have our medical appointments. That all went well but took about 3 hours to see the 8 specialists that we needed.

Wednesday was court and we were nervous, one driver went to Podolsk to get Katya, Svetlana the orphanage director, and the inspector. The other driver picked us up and we met just outside the courtroom. We had been told most of what to expect but it was still nerve wracking. The judge turned out to be a very nice man who made us feel comfortable and after an hour sweating in our good clothes it was over. We all went back to Moscow and had a celebration luncheon. Then everyone left and Sheila, Katya and I returned to the hotel. We just wanted to relax and we did except for one small item, the Russian-English language issue. We bought an electronic translator but it only works about 50% of the time.

The next morning we got a delivery of Katya's clothes and most importantly her bathing suit. The child has gills, I swear! We did some shopping with her but we watched her in the water a bunch too. On Friday we had some paperwork to do so "Uncle Eugene", the head of the adoption agency in Moscow picked us up and then helped us with some shopping. Part of the help involved translating for us that we were there to buy sneakers not 6 inch platform sandals :-) We completed the paperwork and then Katya and I spent about 4 hours in the pool. She wore me out!

This morning I was picked up to go to the airport and Sheila and Katya went to Podolsk. We had scouted out a modest hotel near the orphanage on our last trip and with the costs in Moscow they needed to get out to the suburbs.

We apologize for not posting more, we were on the run a lot more and at a different hotel that was not close to an internet cafe. There is supposed to be one in Podolsk but the Cyrillic keyboards can be an adventure.

I'm sure Sheila will edit this and make it "english" for me, talk to you soon.

A proud Papa

P.S. A special thanks to Cheryl for her kind help!

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