Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday afternoon in Podolsk

It's finally cooled down a little - not as much as I had hoped but there is a great breeze from the north coming into our room and it's a welcome change.

Katya rode a horse yesterday for 90 minutes and had a great time. She learned quickly how to post...heal, toe... heal, toe... After riding she helped the stable workers feed the horses in their stalls. She didn't want to leave but I didn't want to miss our ride back to the orphanage. She loves animals, especially cats and horses. A cat I would consider, a horse is impossible!

This morning I took her to a small amusement park to drive the bumper cars, again. We did that the other day and she's wanted to go back every day since.

We go to Moscow on Tuesday to complete some paperwork. I'm looking forward to the change of pace. Only 10 more days and we come home, I HOPE!


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