Thursday, August 9, 2007


We received "the call" today! Our court date is next Wednesday, August 15th! We leave this Sunday, arrive Monday, have our final medical examinations on Tuesday and go to court on Wednesday. After court, we have about a two-week waiting period. I will remain in Russia with Katya, and Fred will return home next weekend. Katya and I will come home around September 5th.

To say we are excited is the understatement of the year. We were not expecting the date to come so quickly, and we were hoping for some more lead-time for better airfares but we are just grateful it is all happening so quickly!

I am so thankful my sister came to help prepare for Katya's arrival! Her room is 99% finished, and we will buy the remaining items tomorrow. It is also wonderful that Anne was here when "the call" came in, so she could share in our excitement.

Katya's almost home...keep us in your prayers!

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