Friday, August 17, 2007

Guest post from Katie

Hi everyone--

This is Katie, guest blogging for today. I just got off the phone with my mom! Mom, Dad, and Katya are set up in Moscow at the moment and doing well. Apparently Katya loves swimming, which is fortunate since the hotel has a pool. Mom says that if they would let her, Katya would swim all day every day. I was able to speak to Katya, and she could say a few English words (the only ones I understood, however, were "I love you" - not bad!). Mom reports that the hotel has no access to the internet, which is why they have not been posting. My dad comes back to the US tomorrow, and Katya and mom (Sheila) are moving to a hotel in Podolsk (a suburb of Moscow where the orphanage is). It is still looking like the 5th of September is the return date for mom and Katya. Mom says that there are rumours of an internet cafe in Podolsk, so if those umours hold true, mom will be able to blog. If not, she said she would 'call in' her blogs!

Lots of love to everyone and thank you for ALL the support you have given my family on this incredible journey!


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